The term proprietorship, by definition, refers to a person who HAS the exclusive right of ownership of properties or assets in question. 从定义上来说,独资一词指的是对所有财产和资产有单独所有权的人。
By check payment, we reserve right of ownership until the amount owed be credited to our bank account. 使用支票付款,敝公司将保留对货物的所有权直到应付之金额贷入敝公司银行帐户为止。
Research on Right of Ownership and Responsibility of Parking Space in Urban Residential Areas 探讨城市住宅区停车位的权利归属以及归责问题
A residents committee shall manage its own property; no department or unit may infringe upon its right of ownership of property. 居民委员会管理本居民委员会的财产,任何部门和单位不得侵犯居民委员会的财产所有权。
Hence, the definition of such a right of ownership and therein the legal relation of the people concerned. 也就产生了这一权利的界定和划分后的人与人之间的法律关系。
"Property" means anything that can be the subject of a right of ownership, including contractual rights. “财产”系指带有所有权的包括契约权在内的任何物品。
Chinese women enjoy the same right of ownership of property and inheritance as men and equal rights in the management and decision-making of family affairs. 中国妇女享有与男子同等的财产所有权和继承权,平等参与家庭事务管理和决策的权利。
Portugal only got its right of use but never its right of ownership. 葡萄牙取得的只是对它的使用权而非所有权。
The buyer owns the lot ( s) and enjoys the right of ownership, the right of disposition and right of use. 买受人取得拍卖物并享有拍卖物的所有权、处分权或使用权。
A patent is a right of ownership, usually of an invention. 专利权通常指对于一项发明的所有权。
Article 6. Disputes over the right of ownership of grasslands or the right to use them shall be settled by the parties concerned through negotiation on the principle of mutual understanding and mutual accommodation in the interest of unity. 第六条草原所有权和使用权的争议,由当事人本着互谅互让、有利团结的精神协商解决;
This paper analyzes the mutual relations between the right of ownership and the right of control, which point out that the separation is the result of social division of labor, and the integration can found the win-win mechanism of the owner and the controller. 就企业所有权与控制权关系的演变进行了分析,指出两权分离是工业化大生产的要求,而两权走向结合则是建立所有者与控制者共赢机制的必然选择。
The Right of Ownership and the Right of Control: From Separation to Integration 所有权与控制权:从分离走向结合
A discussion is devoted to the positive analysis of two categories, right of ownership and right of possession, given by Karl Marx in his The Capital. 本文首先论述马克思在《资本论》中对所有权与占有权这对范畴所进行的实证分析;
The real right includes right of ownership, mortgage, legal mortgage, right of retention, etc. 在适用对象上包括了所有权、质权、法定质权、留置权等物权在内。
The property right is a cluster of rights, including the right of ownership of human capital, the right of disposal, the right of control, the right of use, and the right of revenue. 人力资本产权是一组权利束,包括人力资本所有权、支配权、处置权、使用权和收益权等。
The author of this thesis attempts, from the angle of personality and the notion about the right of "ownership" contained in possession, to demonstrate the essence of the right of ownership, therefore to justify the legal protection of the right of ownership. 故本文从人的角度,从占有中体现的所有的权利思想论证所有权的本质,以说明法律保护所有权的正当性依据。
Firstly, the essay introduces some theories about corporate governance as the base of the essay, which are the theory of separation of the right of management and the right of ownership, the theory of principal agent and the theory stakeholder. 基于研究需要,本文首先阐述了公司治理结构的相关理论以作为分析的基础,这些理论主要有两权分离论、委托代理论和利益相关论;
Moreover, the article suggests that illegal possession crime should be set for the purpose of protecting the market economic order and right of ownership. 并建议增设低阶位之不当占有不还罪,以保护市场经济秩序和财产所有权。
On Thinking of the Concept of the Right of Ownership 所有权概念之思考
The subject and the quality of the ownership of state property is indistinguishable because there is a basic theory that the right of ownership is the expression of the ownership. 所有权是所有制的法律反映这一基本理论导致国家财产所有权的主体及性质均无法清晰界定。
According to the educational view of Marxism that the right of education follows the right of ownership. 依据马克思主义教育权随所有权走的教育观,笔者似可提出这样一个命题:话语权随着领导权的变更而流转;
The enterprise owner is the holder of enterprise ownership ( right of ownership of property). 企业所有者是指企业所有权(财产控制权)的拥有者。
The manager's objective may ha different horn that of the owner's because the right of management is Separated from the right of ownership in a modem enterprise. 由于现代企业中所有权与经营权的分离,经营者管理目标与所有者目标可能会不一致。
After twenty century, company appeared to be a trend that the right of ownership and the power of management are separated. Major stockholders, directors and trustees in a company are master of the powers of management and making policy. 进入二十世纪以来,公司出现了所有权与经营权相分离的趋势,董事会逐步成为公司组织结构的核心和公司的主宰。
Collective forest right system reform is that forest management rights will be handed over to peasants, and farmers not only have the dominant position of the operation, but also enjoy the right of ownership, disposal and usufruct while maintaining the same ownership of forest land. 集体林权制度改革在保持集体林地所有权不变的前提下,将林地经营权交给农民,使农民不仅具有经营的主体地位,而且享有对林木的所有权、处置权、收益权。
While buildings distinguish right of ownership of members, is that we, as a member of the building to building in the management and maintenance to ensure the important legal rights we interests, Property law brief introduction of the promulgation of the member right is clear. 而建筑物区分所有权之成员权,是我们作为建筑物的一员参与到建筑物的管理和维护以保障我们利益的重要法定权利,《物权法》的颁布更是对成员权进行了明确。
As a land deal, the government is an important subject in the process. It holds the right of ownership and expropriation for the land. 政府作为土地交易过程中的一个重要的主体,掌握着土地的所有权和征用权,部分地方政府为了招商引资,不惜进行大规模的城市拆迁和建设。
Mainly refers to the right of ownership and possession of land, pasture and slave households of the means of production, as well as other data system of ownership. 主要是指土地、牧场和奴户等生产资料的所有权和占有权制度,以及其它生活资料的所有权制度。
Finally, under the continuous assignment circumstances, it should be made the time of notice as the time point to judge the right of ownership. 最后,连续让与情形下,应当以已经通知债务人与否为时间点来判断权利归属。